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Xeno Reckoning

A war is brewing. The survival of the human race is on the line. What do you do when trouble finds you?

If you’re Selina Ravencraft, you suit up and get to work.

Selina is one of the last of the human race, banded together in a makeshift colony called NewEarth on a distant world in Ling Galaxy. Survival in Ling is a matter of making the deals you must while fending off anyone seeking trouble.

But when Selina finds a mysterious device, she brings humans into the sights of the Railen, and the survival of NewEarth faces its greatest challenge amid a growing war.

Can Selina keep the last of humanity from dying out forever?


Reader Reviews of Xeno Reckoning as seen on…

“A brilliant start to this exciting new sci fi adventure! An enjoyable read, good ideas & characters! I can’t wait to see where this goes in the second book!” -Sam